
Nigeria Immigration Service Exam Past Questions and Answers (PDF Download)

Are you looking for Nigeria Immigration Service Exam Past Questions and Answers or you need guidelines on how to download the NIS exam past questions and answers in PDF format? If yes, we’ve got you covered.


Nigeria Immigration Service Exam Past Questions and Answers (PDF Download)


The NIS recruiting exam is a computer-based test that typically combines four topic areas of expertise into one sitting which include: English language, general Mathematics, general studies related to immigration service jobs, and current affairs.

The immigration service exam past question and answers book, which we provide in this article includes all of the questions and their respective solutions for every subject covered in the NIS Exam.

Hence we urge every applicant that may come across this article to make use of this book of Nigeria Immigration Service Exam’s previous questions and answers to help them prepare for the immigration service exam so that they may beat out other applicants and have a good grade among other competitors.


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We have carefully selected some most frequently set past questions and answers from previous years for your practice.

What is the importance of Nigeria Immigration Service’s past questions and answers

The importance of the NIS past questions and answers cannot be over-emphasized because, with Your access to it, you would have an advantage over candidates who showed up for the recruitment test without reviewing or studying the previous questions. Hence, if you have the Nigeria Immigration Service recruiting Past Questions and Answers you will have a clue as to how NIS questions are set.

You will also have a better understanding of previous exams that the Nigeria Immigration Service has administered by reviewing their past questions and answers.

It is good to note here that you can establish a successful NIS exam strategy, and increase your speed, accuracy, and confidence as you repeatedly practice the past questions and answers for the Nigeria Immigration Service recruitment test.

As earlier stated in this article, the Nigeria Immigration Service recruitment test covers the following subjects:

  • English language
  • General Mathematics
  • General studies relating to immigration service jobs
  • Current affairs.

Samples of Nigeria Immigration Service recruitment questions and answer

Here are samples of Nigeria Immigration Service‘s past questions and answers


Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the word in bold letters

Q 1: He struggle for many years as a trader before he struck gold

(a) Became quite rich

(b) Won a big contract

(c) he became a gold miner

(d) became a goldsmith

Answer: A

Q2: One of the basic features of the jet age is that it gives room for people to cut corners


(a) Not to face all problems

(b) to want to become rich quickly

(c) to want to avoid unnecessary hardships

(d) forfeit the opportunity for further education.

Answer: B

Q3: Theirs was a chequered career


(a) An interesting and successful career

(b) a career full of sorrow and tears

(c) a bright and memorable career

(d) a career full of ups and downs

Answer: D

Q4: The lady who won the most beautiful in the contest had a good gait


(a) Stature

(b) figure

(c) elegance

(d) carriage

Answer: B

Q5: It would need a high flyer to achieve a first-class degree in the university


(a) A smart performer

(b) an outright genius

(c) an outstanding scholar

(d) an unmitigated swat

Answer: D

Q6: What you will find in the book is just a bird’s eye view of the subject


(a) A detailed account

(b) a balanced account

(c) a biased treatment

(d) a general survey

Answer: D

Q7: If experience is anything to go by, this step will prove a political mine field


(a) A source of political benefits

(a) a way out of political trouble

(c) a cause for political joy

(d) an invitation to political problems.

Answer: D

SEE ALSO: NSCDC Recruitment: Important Facts You Need To Know

Download the PDF full version.

How to download the PDF version of Nigeria Immigration Service‘s Past Questions and Answers

You can easily get the full version of the Nigeria Immigration Service Past Questions and Answer by paying the sum of One Thousand, Five Hundred Only (N1,500). All that you need to do is to make payment into the account details and show proof of payment

Account Name: Woko ThankGod Emeka

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTb)

Ac No.: 0228319769

Once you have the payment send the following details

  • Depositors Name
  • Amount Paid
  • Your phone number
  • Email address and
  • Type of past questions


Whatsapp Number: 08182172430 or call: 08139065974.

Once your payment and details are confirmed, you will get the copy of your NIS Exam past questions and answers in PDF format.


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